GLM 0.9.6 Function Reference

GTC Extensions (Stable)

genIUType bitfieldFillOne(genIUType Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount)
vecType<T, P> bitfieldFillOne(vecType<T, P> const &Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount)
genIUType bitfieldFillZero(genIUType Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount)
vecType<T, P> bitfieldFillZero(vecType<T, P> const &Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount)
int16 bitfieldInterleave(int8 x, int8 y)
uint16 bitfieldInterleave(uint8 x, uint8 y)
int32 bitfieldInterleave(int16 x, int16 y)
uint32 bitfieldInterleave(uint16 x, uint16 y)
int64 bitfieldInterleave(int32 x, int32 y)
uint64 bitfieldInterleave(uint32 x, uint32 y)
int32 bitfieldInterleave(int8 x, int8 y, int8 z)
uint32 bitfieldInterleave(uint8 x, uint8 y, uint8 z)
int64 bitfieldInterleave(int16 x, int16 y, int16 z)
uint64 bitfieldInterleave(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 z)
int64 bitfieldInterleave(int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
uint64 bitfieldInterleave(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z)
int32 bitfieldInterleave(int8 x, int8 y, int8 z, int8 w)
uint32 bitfieldInterleave(uint8 x, uint8 y, uint8 z, uint8 w)
int64 bitfieldInterleave(int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, int16 w)
uint64 bitfieldInterleave(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 z, uint16 w)
genIUType bitfieldRotateLeft(genIUType In, int Shift)
vecType<T, P> bitfieldRotateLeft(vecType<T, P> const &In, int Shift)
genIUType bitfieldRotateRight(genIUType In, int Shift)
vecType<T, P> bitfieldRotateRight(vecType<T, P> const &In, int Shift)
genIUType mask(genIUType Bits)
vecIUType<T, P> mask(vecIUType<T, P> const &v)
genType e()
genType epsilon()
genType euler()
genType four_over_pi()
genType golden_ratio()
genType half_pi()
genType ln_ln_two()
genType ln_ten()
genType ln_two()
genType one()
genType one_over_pi()
genType one_over_root_two()
genType one_over_two_pi()
genType pi()
genType quarter_pi()
genType root_five()
genType root_half_pi()
genType root_ln_four()
genType root_pi()
genType root_three()
genType root_two()
genType root_two_pi()
genType third()
genType three_over_two_pi()
genType two_over_pi()
genType two_over_root_pi()
genType two_pi()
genType two_thirds()
genType zero()
vecType<bool, P> epsilonEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y, T const &epsilon)
bool epsilonEqual(genType const &x, genType const &y, genType const &epsilon)
genType::boolType epsilonNotEqual(genType const &x, genType const &y, genType::value_type const &epsilon)
bool epsilonNotEqual(genType const &x, genType const &y, genType const &epsilon)
genIUType log2(genIUType x)
genIUType mod(genIUType x, genIUType y)
vecType<T, P> mod(vecType<T, P> const &x, T y)
vecType<T, P> mod(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
genType::col_type column(genType const &m, length_t index)
genType column(genType const &m, length_t index, genType::col_type const &x)
genType::row_type row(genType const &m, length_t index)
genType row(genType const &m, length_t index, genType::row_type const &x)
genType affineInverse(genType const &m)
genType inverseTranspose(genType const &m)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> frustum(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> infinitePerspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near)
tmat4x4<T, P> lookAt(tvec3<T, P> const &eye, tvec3<T, P> const &center, tvec3<T, P> const &up)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T zNear, T zFar)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> perspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near, T far)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> perspectiveFov(T fov, T width, T height, T near, T far)
tmat4x4<T, P> pickMatrix(tvec2<T, P> const &center, tvec2<T, P> const &delta, tvec4<U, P> const &viewport)
tvec3<T, P> project(tvec3<T, P> const &obj, tmat4x4<T, P> const &model, tmat4x4<T, P> const &proj, tvec4<U, P> const &viewport)
tmat4x4<T, P> rotate(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis)
tmat4x4<T, P> scale(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat4x4<T, P> translate(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> tweakedInfinitePerspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> tweakedInfinitePerspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near, T ep)
tvec3<T, P> unProject(tvec3<T, P> const &win, tmat4x4<T, P> const &model, tmat4x4<T, P> const &proj, tvec4<U, P> const &viewport)
T perlin(vecType<T, P> const &p)
T perlin(vecType<T, P> const &p, vecType<T, P> const &rep)
T simplex(vecType<T, P> const &p)
uint32 packF2x11_1x10(vec3 const &v)
uint16 packHalf1x16(float v)
uint64 packHalf4x16(vec4 const &v)
uint32 packI3x10_1x2(ivec4 const &v)
uint16 packSnorm1x16(float v)
uint8 packSnorm1x8(float s)
uint16 packSnorm2x8(vec2 const &v)
uint32 packSnorm3x10_1x2(vec4 const &v)
uint64 packSnorm4x16(vec4 const &v)
uint32 packU3x10_1x2(uvec4 const &v)
uint16 packUnorm1x16(float v)
uint8 packUnorm1x8(float v)
uint16 packUnorm2x8(vec2 const &v)
uint32 packUnorm3x10_1x2(vec4 const &v)
uint64 packUnorm4x16(vec4 const &v)
vec3 unpackF2x11_1x10(uint32 p)
float unpackHalf1x16(uint16 v)
vec4 unpackHalf4x16(uint64 p)
ivec4 unpackI3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
float unpackSnorm1x16(uint16 p)
float unpackSnorm1x8(uint8 p)
vec2 unpackSnorm2x8(uint16 p)
vec4 unpackSnorm3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
vec4 unpackSnorm4x16(uint64 const &p)
uvec4 unpackU3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
float unpackUnorm1x16(uint16 p)
float unpackUnorm1x8(uint8 p)
vec2 unpackUnorm2x8(uint16 p)
vec4 unpackUnorm3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
vec4 unpackUnorm4x16(uint64 p)
T angle(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> angleAxis(T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis)
tvec3<T, P> axis(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> conjugate(tquat<T, P> const &q)
T dot(quatType<T, P> const &x, quatType<T, P> const &y)
tvec4<bool, P> equal(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y)
tvec3<T, P> eulerAngles(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tvec4<bool, P> greaterThan(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y)
tvec4<bool, P> greaterThanEqual(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y)
tquat<T, P> inverse(tquat<T, P> const &q)
T length(tquat<T, P> const &q)
tquat<T, P> lerp(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T a)
tvec4<bool, P> lessThan(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y)
tvec4<bool, P> lessThanEqual(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y)
tmat3x3<T, P> mat3_cast(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tmat4x4<T, P> mat4_cast(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> mix(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T a)
tquat<T, P> normalize(tquat<T, P> const &q)
tvec4<bool, P> notEqual(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y)
T pitch(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> quat_cast(tmat3x3<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> quat_cast(tmat4x4<T, P> const &x)
T roll(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> rotate(tquat<T, P> const &q, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis)
tquat<T, P> slerp(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T a)
T yaw(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tvec3<T, defaultp> ballRand(T Radius)
tvec2<T, defaultp> circularRand(T Radius)
tvec2<T, defaultp> diskRand(T Radius)
genType gaussRand(genType Mean, genType Deviation)
genTYpe linearRand(genTYpe Min, genTYpe Max)
tvec3<T, defaultp> sphericalRand(T Radius)
genType acot(genType const &x)
genType acoth(genType const &x)
genType acsc(genType const &x)
genType acsch(genType const &x)
genType asec(genType const &x)
genType asech(genType const &x)
genType cot(genType const &angle)
genType coth(genType const &angle)
genType csc(genType const &angle)
genType csch(genType const &angle)
genType sec(genType const &angle)
genType sech(genType const &angle)
genType ceilMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple)
vecType<T, P> ceilMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple)
genIUType ceilPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value)
vecType<T, P> ceilPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value)
genType floorMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple)
vecType<T, P> floorMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple)
genIUType floorPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value)
vecType<T, P> floorPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value)
bool isMultiple(genIUType Value, genIUType Multiple)
vecType<bool, P> isMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Value, T Multiple)
vecType<bool, P> isMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Value, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple)
bool isPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value)
vecType<bool, P> isPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value)
genType roundMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple)
vecType<T, P> roundMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple)
genIUType roundPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value)
vecType<T, P> roundPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value)
tmat2x2<T, defaultp> make_mat2(T const *const ptr)
tmat2x2<T, defaultp> make_mat2x2(T const *const ptr)
tmat2x3<T, defaultp> make_mat2x3(T const *const ptr)
tmat2x4<T, defaultp> make_mat2x4(T const *const ptr)
tmat3x3<T, defaultp> make_mat3(T const *const ptr)
tmat3x2<T, defaultp> make_mat3x2(T const *const ptr)
tmat3x3<T, defaultp> make_mat3x3(T const *const ptr)
tmat3x4<T, defaultp> make_mat3x4(T const *const ptr)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> make_mat4(T const *const ptr)
tmat4x2<T, defaultp> make_mat4x2(T const *const ptr)
tmat4x3<T, defaultp> make_mat4x3(T const *const ptr)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> make_mat4x4(T const *const ptr)
tquat<T, defaultp> make_quat(T const *const ptr)
tvec2<T, defaultp> make_vec2(T const *const ptr)
tvec3<T, defaultp> make_vec3(T const *const ptr)
tvec4<T, defaultp> make_vec4(T const *const ptr)
genType::value_type const* value_ptr(genType const &vec)
uint float_distance(T const &x, T const &y)
vecType<uint> float_distance(vecType<T> const &x, vecType<T> const &y)
genType next_float(genType const &x)
genType next_float(genType const &x, uint const &Distance)
genType prev_float(genType const &x)
genType prev_float(genType const &x, uint const &Distance)

GTX Extensions (Experimental)

U associatedMax(T x, U a, T y, U b)
tvec2<U, P> associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b)
vecType<T, P> associatedMax(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b)
vecType<U, P> associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b)
U associatedMax(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c)
vecType<U, P> associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c)
vecType<T, P> associatedMax(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b, T z, vecType<U, P> const &c)
vecType<U, P> associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b, vecType<T, P> const &z, U c)
U associatedMax(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c, T w, U d)
vecType<U, P> associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c, vecType<T, P> const &w, vecType<U, P> const &d)
vecType<U, P> associatedMax(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b, T z, vecType<U, P> const &c, T w, vecType<U, P> const &d)
vecType<U, P> associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b, vecType<T, P> const &z, U c, vecType<T, P> const &w, U d)
U associatedMin(T x, U a, T y, U b)
tvec2<U, P> associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b)
vecType<U, P> associatedMin(T x, const vecType<U, P> &a, T y, const vecType<U, P> &b)
vecType<U, P> associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b)
U associatedMin(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c)
vecType<U, P> associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c)
U associatedMin(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c, T w, U d)
vecType<U, P> associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c, vecType<T, P> const &w, vecType<U, P> const &d)
vecType<U, P> associatedMin(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b, T z, vecType<U, P> const &c, T w, vecType<U, P> const &d)
vecType<U, P> associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b, vecType<T, P> const &z, U c, vecType<T, P> const &w, U d)
genIUType highestBitValue(genIUType Value)
vecType<T, P> highestBitValue(vecType<T, P> const &value)
genIUType powerOfTwoAbove(genIUType Value) [deprecated]
vecType<T, P> powerOfTwoAbove(vecType<T, P> const &value) [deprecated]
genIUType powerOfTwoBelow(genIUType Value) [deprecated]
vecType<T, P> powerOfTwoBelow(vecType<T, P> const &value) [deprecated]
genIUType powerOfTwoNearest(genIUType Value) [deprecated]
vecType<T, P> powerOfTwoNearest(vecType<T, P> const &value) [deprecated]
tvec3<T, P> closestPointOnLine(tvec3<T, P> const &point, tvec3<T, P> const &a, tvec3<T, P> const &b)
tvec2<T, P> closestPointOnLine(tvec2<T, P> const &point, tvec2<T, P> const &a, tvec2<T, P> const &b)
tvec3<T, P> hsvColor(tvec3<T, P> const &rgbValue)
T luminosity(tvec3<T, P> const &color)
tvec3<T, P> rgbColor(tvec3<T, P> const &hsvValue)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> saturation(T const s)
tvec3<T, P> saturation(T const s, tvec3<T, P> const &color)
tvec4<T, P> saturation(T const s, tvec4<T, P> const &color)
tvec3<T, P> rgb2YCoCg(tvec3<T, P> const &rgbColor)
tvec3<T, P> rgb2YCoCgR(tvec3<T, P> const &rgbColor)
tvec3<T, P> YCoCg2rgb(tvec3<T, P> const &YCoCgColor)
tvec3<T, P> YCoCgR2rgb(tvec3<T, P> const &YCoCgColor)
genType::bool_type isdenormal(genType const &x)
T atan2(T x, T y)
tvec2<T, P> atan2(const tvec2<T, P> &x, const tvec2<T, P> &y)
tvec3<T, P> atan2(const tvec3<T, P> &x, const tvec3<T, P> &y)
tvec4<T, P> atan2(const tvec4<T, P> &x, const tvec4<T, P> &y)
bool isfinite(genType const &x)
tvec2<bool, P> isfinite(const tvec2<T, P> &x)
tvec3<bool, P> isfinite(const tvec3<T, P> &x)
tvec4<bool, P> isfinite(const tvec4<T, P> &x)
T lerp(T x, T y, T a)
tvec2<T, P> lerp(const tvec2<T, P> &x, const tvec2<T, P> &y, T a)
tvec3<T, P> lerp(const tvec3<T, P> &x, const tvec3<T, P> &y, T a)
tvec4<T, P> lerp(const tvec4<T, P> &x, const tvec4<T, P> &y, T a)
tvec2<T, P> lerp(const tvec2<T, P> &x, const tvec2<T, P> &y, const tvec2<T, P> &a)
tvec3<T, P> lerp(const tvec3<T, P> &x, const tvec3<T, P> &y, const tvec3<T, P> &a)
tvec4<T, P> lerp(const tvec4<T, P> &x, const tvec4<T, P> &y, const tvec4<T, P> &a)
T saturate(T x)
tvec2<T, P> saturate(const tvec2<T, P> &x)
tvec3<T, P> saturate(const tvec3<T, P> &x)
tvec4<T, P> saturate(const tvec4<T, P> &x)
genType::value_type compAdd(genType const &v)
genType::value_type compMax(genType const &v)
genType::value_type compMin(genType const &v)
genType::value_type compMul(genType const &v)
tdualquat<T, P> dualquat_cast(tmat2x4<T, P> const &x)
tdualquat<T, P> dualquat_cast(tmat3x4<T, P> const &x)
tdualquat<T, P> inverse(tdualquat<T, P> const &q)
tdualquat<T, P> lerp(tdualquat<T, P> const &x, tdualquat<T, P> const &y, T const &a)
tmat2x4<T, P> mat2x4_cast(tdualquat<T, P> const &x)
tmat3x4<T, P> mat3x4_cast(tdualquat<T, P> const &x)
tdualquat<T, P> normalize(tdualquat<T, P> const &q)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleX(T const &angleX)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleXY(T const &angleX, T const &angleY)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleXZ(T const &angleX, T const &angleZ)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleY(T const &angleY)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleYX(T const &angleY, T const &angleX)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleYXZ(T const &yaw, T const &pitch, T const &roll)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleYZ(T const &angleY, T const &angleZ)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleZ(T const &angleZ)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleZX(T const &angle, T const &angleX)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> eulerAngleZY(T const &angleZ, T const &angleY)
tmat2x2<T, defaultp> orientate2(T const &angle)
tmat3x3<T, defaultp> orientate3(T const &angle)
tmat3x3<T, P> orientate3(tvec3<T, P> const &angles)
tmat4x4<T, P> orientate4(tvec3<T, P> const &angles)
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> yawPitchRoll(T const &yaw, T const &pitch, T const &roll)
genType extend(genType const &Origin, genType const &Source, genType::value_type const Length)
T max(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z)
C<T> max(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z)
C<T> max(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z)
T max(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z, T const &w)
C<T> max(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z, C<T>::T const &w)
C<T> max(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z, C<T> const &w)
T min(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z)
C<T> min(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z)
C<T> min(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z)
T min(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z, T const &w)
C<T> min(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z, C<T>::T const &w)
C<T> min(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z, C<T> const &w)
T fastExp(T x)
vecType<T, P> fastExp(vecType<T, P> const &x)
T fastExp2(T x)
vecType<T, P> fastExp2(vecType<T, P> const &x)
T fastLog(T x)
vecType<T, P> fastLog(vecType<T, P> const &x)
T fastLog2(T x)
vecType<T, P> fastLog2(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType fastPow(genType x, genType y)
vecType<T, P> fastPow(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
genTypeT fastPow(genTypeT x, genTypeU y)
vecType<T, P> fastPow(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType fastDistance(genType x, genType y)
T fastDistance(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
genType fastInverseSqrt(genType x)
vecType<T, P> fastInverseSqrt(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType fastLength(genType x)
T fastLength(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType fastNormalize(genType const &x)
genType fastSqrt(genType x)
vecType<T, P> fastSqrt(vecType<T, P> const &x)
T fastAcos(T angle)
T fastAsin(T angle)
T fastAtan(T y, T x)
T fastAtan(T angle)
T fastCos(T angle)
T fastSin(T angle)
T fastTan(T angle)
T wrapAngle(T angle)
T linearGradient(tvec2<T, P> const &Point0, tvec2<T, P> const &Point1, tvec2<T, P> const &Position)
T radialGradient(tvec2<T, P> const &Center, T const &Radius, tvec2<T, P> const &Focal, tvec2<T, P> const &Position)
bool leftHanded(tvec3<T, P> const &tangent, tvec3<T, P> const &binormal, tvec3<T, P> const &normal)
bool rightHanded(tvec3<T, P> const &tangent, tvec3<T, P> const &binormal, tvec3<T, P> const &normal)
genType factorial(genType const &x)
unsigned int floor_log2(unsigned int x)
int mod(int x, int y)
uint mod(uint x, uint y)
uint nlz(uint x)
int pow(int x, int y)
uint pow(uint x, uint y)
int sqrt(int x)
uint sqrt(uint x)
bool intersectLineSphere(genType const &point0, genType const &point1, genType const &sphereCenter, genType::value_type sphereRadius, genType &intersectionPosition1, genType &intersectionNormal1, genType &intersectionPosition2=genType(), genType &intersectionNormal2=genType())
bool intersectLineTriangle(genType const &orig, genType const &dir, genType const &vert0, genType const &vert1, genType const &vert2, genType &position)
bool intersectRayPlane(genType const &orig, genType const &dir, genType const &planeOrig, genType const &planeNormal, genType::value_type &intersectionDistance)
bool intersectRaySphere(genType const &rayStarting, genType const &rayNormalizedDirection, genType const &sphereCenter, genType::value_type const sphereRadiusSquered, genType::value_type &intersectionDistance)
bool intersectRaySphere(genType const &rayStarting, genType const &rayNormalizedDirection, genType const &sphereCenter, const genType::value_type sphereRadius, genType &intersectionPosition, genType &intersectionNormal)
bool intersectRayTriangle(genType const &orig, genType const &dir, genType const &vert0, genType const &vert1, genType const &vert2, genType &baryPosition)
genType log(genType x, genType base)
vecType<T, P> sign(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &base)
tmat3x3<T, P> matrixCross3(tvec3<T, P> const &x)
tmat4x4<T, P> matrixCross4(tvec3<T, P> const &x)
bool decompose(tmat4x4<T, P> const &modelMatrix, tvec3<T, P> &scale, tquat<T, P> &orientation, tvec3<T, P> &translation, tvec3<T, P> &skew, tvec4<T, P> &perspective)
void axisAngle(tmat4x4<T, P> const &mat, tvec3<T, P> &axis, T &angle)
tmat4x4<T, P> axisAngleMatrix(tvec3<T, P> const &axis, T const angle)
tmat4x4<T, P> extractMatrixRotation(tmat4x4<T, P> const &mat)
tmat4x4<T, P> interpolate(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m1, tmat4x4<T, P> const &m2, T const delta)
tmat2x2<T, P> colMajor2(tvec2<T, P> const &v1, tvec2<T, P> const &v2)
tmat2x2<T, P> colMajor2(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m)
tmat3x3<T, P> colMajor3(tvec3<T, P> const &v1, tvec3<T, P> const &v2, tvec3<T, P> const &v3)
tmat3x3<T, P> colMajor3(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m)
tmat4x4<T, P> colMajor4(tvec4<T, P> const &v1, tvec4<T, P> const &v2, tvec4<T, P> const &v3, tvec4<T, P> const &v4)
tmat4x4<T, P> colMajor4(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m)
tmat2x2<T, P> rowMajor2(tvec2<T, P> const &v1, tvec2<T, P> const &v2)
tmat2x2<T, P> rowMajor2(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m)
tmat3x3<T, P> rowMajor3(tvec3<T, P> const &v1, tvec3<T, P> const &v2, tvec3<T, P> const &v3)
tmat3x3<T, P> rowMajor3(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m)
tmat4x4<T, P> rowMajor4(tvec4<T, P> const &v1, tvec4<T, P> const &v2, tvec4<T, P> const &v3, tvec4<T, P> const &v4)
tmat4x4<T, P> rowMajor4(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m)
tmat2x2<T, P> diagonal2x2(tvec2<T, P> const &v)
tmat2x3<T, P> diagonal2x3(tvec2<T, P> const &v)
tmat2x4<T, P> diagonal2x4(tvec2<T, P> const &v)
tmat3x2<T, P> diagonal3x2(tvec2<T, P> const &v)
tmat3x3<T, P> diagonal3x3(tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat3x4<T, P> diagonal3x4(tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat4x2<T, P> diagonal4x2(tvec2<T, P> const &v)
tmat4x3<T, P> diagonal4x3(tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat4x4<T, P> diagonal4x4(tvec4<T, P> const &v)
bool isIdentity(matType<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
bool isNormalized(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
bool isNormalized(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
bool isNormalized(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
bool isNull(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
bool isNull(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
bool isNull(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
bool isOrthogonal(matType<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon)
tmat3x3<T, P> rotate(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T angle)
tmat3x3<T, P> scale(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, tvec2<T, P> const &v)
tmat3x3<T, P> shearX(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T y)
tmat3x3<T, P> shearY(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T x)
tmat3x3<T, P> translate(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, tvec2<T, P> const &v)
T mixedProduct(tvec3<T, P> const &v1, tvec3<T, P> const &v2, tvec3<T, P> const &v3)
genType higherMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple) [deprecated]
vecType<T, P> higherMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) [deprecated]
genType lowerMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple) [deprecated]
vecType<T, P> lowerMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) [deprecated]
T distance2(T const &p0, T const &p1)
genType::value_type distance2(genType const &p0, genType const &p1)
T l1Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y)
T l1Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &v)
T l2Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y)
T l2Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &x)
T length2(T const &x)
genType::value_type length2(genType const &x)
T lxNorm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y, unsigned int Depth)
T lxNorm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, unsigned int Depth)
tvec3<T, P> triangleNormal(tvec3<T, P> const &p1, tvec3<T, P> const &p2, tvec3<T, P> const &p3)
T fastNormalizeDot(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
T normalizeDot(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
genType pow2(genType const &x)
genType pow3(genType const &x)
genType pow4(genType const &x)
tmat3x3<T, P> orthonormalize(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m)
tvec3<T, P> orthonormalize(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y)
vecType perp(vecType const &x, vecType const &Normal)
tvec3<T, P> euclidean(tvec2<T, P> const &polar)
tvec3<T, P> polar(tvec3<T, P> const &euclidean)
vecType proj(vecType const &x, vecType const &Normal)
tvec3<T, P> cross(tquat<T, P> const &q, tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tvec3<T, P> cross(tvec3<T, P> const &v, tquat<T, P> const &q)
tquat<T, P> exp(tquat<T, P> const &q)
T extractRealComponent(tquat<T, P> const &q)
tquat<T, P> fastMix(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T const &a)
tquat<T, P> intermediate(tquat<T, P> const &prev, tquat<T, P> const &curr, tquat<T, P> const &next)
T length2(tquat<T, P> const &q)
tquat<T, P> log(tquat<T, P> const &q)
tquat<T, P> pow(tquat<T, P> const &x, T const &y)
tvec3<T, P> rotate(tquat<T, P> const &q, tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tvec4<T, P> rotate(tquat<T, P> const &q, tvec4<T, P> const &v)
tquat<T, P> rotation(tvec3<T, P> const &orig, tvec3<T, P> const &dest)
tquat<T, P> shortMix(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T const &a)
tquat<T, P> squad(tquat<T, P> const &q1, tquat<T, P> const &q2, tquat<T, P> const &s1, tquat<T, P> const &s2, T const &h)
tmat3x3<T, P> toMat3(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tmat4x4<T, P> toMat4(tquat<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> toQuat(tmat3x3<T, P> const &x)
tquat<T, P> toQuat(tmat4x4<T, P> const &x)
tmat4x4<T, P> rotateNormalizedAxis(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis)
tquat<T, P> rotateNormalizedAxis(tquat<T, P> const &q, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis)
tmat4x4<T, P> orientation(tvec3<T, P> const &Normal, tvec3<T, P> const &Up)
tvec2<T, P> rotate(tvec2<T, P> const &v, T const &angle)
tvec3<T, P> rotate(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &normal)
tvec4<T, P> rotate(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &normal)
tvec3<T, P> rotateX(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle)
tvec4<T, P> rotateX(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle)
tvec3<T, P> rotateY(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle)
tvec4<T, P> rotateY(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle)
tvec3<T, P> rotateZ(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle)
tvec4<T, P> rotateZ(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle)
tvec3<T, P> slerp(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y, T const &a)
genType catmullRom(genType const &v1, genType const &v2, genType const &v3, genType const &v4, genType::value_type const &s)
genType cubic(genType const &v1, genType const &v2, genType const &v3, genType const &v4, genType::value_type const &s)
genType hermite(genType const &v1, genType const &t1, genType const &v2, genType const &t2, genType::value_type const &s)
std::string to_string(matType<T, P> const &x)
tmat4x4<T, P> rotate(T angle, tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat4x4<T, P> scale(tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat4x4<T, P> translate(tvec3<T, P> const &v)
tmat3x3<T, P> proj2D(const tmat3x3<T, P> &m, const tvec3<T, P> &normal)
tmat4x4<T, P> proj3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, const tvec3<T, P> &normal)
tmat4x4<valType, P> scaleBias(valType scale, valType bias)
tmat4x4<valType, P> scaleBias(tmat4x4<valType, P> const &m, valType scale, valType bias)
tmat3x3<T, P> shearX2D(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T y)
tmat4x4<T, P> shearX3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, T y, T z)
tmat3x3<T, P> shearY2D(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T x)
tmat4x4<T, P> shearY3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, T x, T z)
tmat4x4<T, P> shearZ3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, T x, T y)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int8, aligned_lowp_int8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int16, aligned_lowp_int16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int32, aligned_lowp_int32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int64, aligned_lowp_int64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int8_t, aligned_lowp_int8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int16_t, aligned_lowp_int16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int32_t, aligned_lowp_int32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int64_t, aligned_lowp_int64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i8, aligned_lowp_i8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i16, aligned_lowp_i16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i32, aligned_lowp_i32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i64, aligned_lowp_i64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int8, aligned_mediump_int8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int16, aligned_mediump_int16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int32, aligned_mediump_int32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int64, aligned_mediump_int64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int8_t, aligned_mediump_int8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int16_t, aligned_mediump_int16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int32_t, aligned_mediump_int32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int64_t, aligned_mediump_int64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i8, aligned_mediump_i8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i16, aligned_mediump_i16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i32, aligned_mediump_i32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i64, aligned_mediump_i64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int8, aligned_highp_int8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int16, aligned_highp_int16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int32, aligned_highp_int32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int64, aligned_highp_int64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int8_t, aligned_highp_int8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int16_t, aligned_highp_int16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int32_t, aligned_highp_int32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int64_t, aligned_highp_int64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i8, aligned_highp_i8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i16, aligned_highp_i16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i32, aligned_highp_i32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i64, aligned_highp_i64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int8, aligned_int8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int16, aligned_int16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int32, aligned_int32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int64, aligned_int64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int8_t, aligned_int8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int16_t, aligned_int16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int32_t, aligned_int32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int64_t, aligned_int64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8, aligned_i8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16, aligned_i16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32, aligned_i32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64, aligned_i64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec1, aligned_ivec1, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec2, aligned_ivec2, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec3, aligned_ivec3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec4, aligned_ivec4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec1, aligned_i8vec1, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec2, aligned_i8vec2, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec3, aligned_i8vec3, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec4, aligned_i8vec4, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec1, aligned_i16vec1, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec2, aligned_i16vec2, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec3, aligned_i16vec3, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec4, aligned_i16vec4, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec1, aligned_i32vec1, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec2, aligned_i32vec2, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec3, aligned_i32vec3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec4, aligned_i32vec4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec1, aligned_i64vec1, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec2, aligned_i64vec2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec3, aligned_i64vec3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec4, aligned_i64vec4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint8, aligned_lowp_uint8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint16, aligned_lowp_uint16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint32, aligned_lowp_uint32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint64, aligned_lowp_uint64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint8_t, aligned_lowp_uint8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint16_t, aligned_lowp_uint16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint32_t, aligned_lowp_uint32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint64_t, aligned_lowp_uint64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u8, aligned_lowp_u8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u16, aligned_lowp_u16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u32, aligned_lowp_u32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u64, aligned_lowp_u64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint8, aligned_mediump_uint8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint16, aligned_mediump_uint16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint32, aligned_mediump_uint32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint64, aligned_mediump_uint64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint8_t, aligned_mediump_uint8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint16_t, aligned_mediump_uint16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint32_t, aligned_mediump_uint32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint64_t, aligned_mediump_uint64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u8, aligned_mediump_u8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u16, aligned_mediump_u16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u32, aligned_mediump_u32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u64, aligned_mediump_u64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint8, aligned_highp_uint8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint16, aligned_highp_uint16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint32, aligned_highp_uint32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint64, aligned_highp_uint64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint8_t, aligned_highp_uint8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint16_t, aligned_highp_uint16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint32_t, aligned_highp_uint32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint64_t, aligned_highp_uint64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u8, aligned_highp_u8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u16, aligned_highp_u16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u32, aligned_highp_u32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u64, aligned_highp_u64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint8, aligned_uint8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint16, aligned_uint16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint32, aligned_uint32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint64, aligned_uint64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint8_t, aligned_uint8_t, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint16_t, aligned_uint16_t, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, aligned_uint32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint64_t, aligned_uint64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8, aligned_u8, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16, aligned_u16, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32, aligned_u32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64, aligned_u64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec1, aligned_uvec1, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec2, aligned_uvec2, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec3, aligned_uvec3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec4, aligned_uvec4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec1, aligned_u8vec1, 1)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec2, aligned_u8vec2, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec3, aligned_u8vec3, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec4, aligned_u8vec4, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec1, aligned_u16vec1, 2)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec2, aligned_u16vec2, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec3, aligned_u16vec3, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec4, aligned_u16vec4, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec1, aligned_u32vec1, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec2, aligned_u32vec2, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec3, aligned_u32vec3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec4, aligned_u32vec4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec1, aligned_u64vec1, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec2, aligned_u64vec2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec3, aligned_u64vec3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec4, aligned_u64vec4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float32, aligned_float32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float64, aligned_float64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float32_t, aligned_float32_t, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float64_t, aligned_float64_t, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float32, aligned_f32, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float64, aligned_f64, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec1, aligned_vec1, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec2, aligned_vec2, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec3, aligned_vec3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec4, aligned_vec4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec1, aligned_fvec1, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec2, aligned_fvec2, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec3, aligned_fvec3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec4, aligned_fvec4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec1, aligned_f32vec1, 4)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec2, aligned_f32vec2, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec3, aligned_f32vec3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec4, aligned_f32vec4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec1, aligned_dvec1, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec2, aligned_dvec2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec3, aligned_dvec3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec4, aligned_dvec4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec1, aligned_f64vec1, 8)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec2, aligned_f64vec2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec3, aligned_f64vec3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec4, aligned_f64vec4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat2, aligned_mat2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat3, aligned_mat3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat4, aligned_mat4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat2x2, aligned_mat2x2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat3x3, aligned_mat3x3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat4x4, aligned_mat4x4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x2, aligned_fmat2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x3, aligned_fmat3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x4, aligned_fmat4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x2, aligned_fmat2x2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x3, aligned_fmat2x3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x4, aligned_fmat2x4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x2, aligned_fmat3x2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x3, aligned_fmat3x3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x4, aligned_fmat3x4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x2, aligned_fmat4x2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x3, aligned_fmat4x3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x4, aligned_fmat4x4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x2, aligned_f32mat2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x3, aligned_f32mat3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x4, aligned_f32mat4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x2, aligned_f32mat2x2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x3, aligned_f32mat2x3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x4, aligned_f32mat2x4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x2, aligned_f32mat3x2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x3, aligned_f32mat3x3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x4, aligned_f32mat3x4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x2, aligned_f32mat4x2, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x3, aligned_f32mat4x3, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x4, aligned_f32mat4x4, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x2, aligned_f64mat2, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x3, aligned_f64mat3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x4, aligned_f64mat4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x2, aligned_f64mat2x2, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x3, aligned_f64mat2x3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x4, aligned_f64mat2x4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x2, aligned_f64mat3x2, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x3, aligned_f64mat3x3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x4, aligned_f64mat3x4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x2, aligned_f64mat4x2, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x3, aligned_f64mat4x3, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x4, aligned_f64mat4x4, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(quat, aligned_quat, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fquat, aligned_fquat, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dquat, aligned_dquat, 32)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32quat, aligned_f32quat, 16)
 GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64quat, aligned_f64quat, 32)
vecType::value_type angle(vecType const &x, vecType const &y)
T orientedAngle(tvec2<T, P> const &x, tvec2<T, P> const &y)
T orientedAngle(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y, tvec3<T, P> const &ref)
bool areCollinear(vecType<T, P> const &v0, vecType<T, P> const &v1, T const &epsilon)
bool areOrthogonal(vecType<T, P> const &v0, vecType<T, P> const &v1, T const &epsilon)
bool areOrthonormal(vecType<T, P> const &v0, vecType<T, P> const &v1, T const &epsilon)
vecType<bool, P> isCompNull(vecType<T, P> const &v, T const &epsilon)
bool isNormalized(vecType<T, P> const &v, T const &epsilon)
bool isNull(vecType<T, P> const &v, T const &epsilon)
genType clamp(genType const &Texcoord)
genType mirrorRepeat(genType const &Texcoord)
genType repeat(genType const &Texcoord)

GLM Core

Common functions
genType abs(genType x)
vecType<T, P> ceil(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType clamp(genType x, genType minVal, genType maxVal)
int floatBitsToInt(float const &v)
vecType<int, P> floatBitsToInt(vecType<float, P> const &v)
uint floatBitsToUint(float const &v)
vecType<uint, P> floatBitsToUint(vecType<float, P> const &v)
vecType<T, P> floor(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType fma(genType const &a, genType const &b, genType const &c)
genType fract(genType x)
genType frexp(genType const &x, genIType &exp)
float intBitsToFloat(int const &v)
vecType<float, P> intBitsToFloat(vecType<int, P> const &v)
vecType<bool, P> isinf(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<bool, P> isnan(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType ldexp(genType const &x, genIType const &exp)
genType max(genType x, genType y)
genType min(genType x, genType y)
vecType<T, P> mix(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &a)
genType mod(genType x, genType y)
genType modf(genType x, genType &i)
vecType<T, P> round(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> roundEven(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> sign(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType smoothstep(genType edge0, genType edge1, genType x)
genType step(genType edge, genType x)
vecType<T, P> step(T edge, vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> step(vecType<T, P> const &edge, vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> trunc(vecType<T, P> const &x)
float uintBitsToFloat(uint const &v)
vecType<float, P> uintBitsToFloat(vecType<uint, P> const &v)
Exponential functions
vecType<T, P> exp(vecType<T, P> const &v)
vecType<T, P> exp2(vecType<T, P> const &v)
vecType<T, P> inversesqrt(vecType<T, P> const &v)
vecType<T, P> log(vecType<T, P> const &v)
vecType<T, P> log2(vecType<T, P> const &v)
vecType<T, P> pow(vecType<T, P> const &base, vecType<T, P> const &exponent)
vecType<T, P> sqrt(vecType<T, P> const &v)
Geometric functions
tvec3<T, P> cross(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y)
T distance(vecType<T, P> const &p0, vecType<T, P> const &p1)
T dot(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
genType faceforward(genType const &N, genType const &I, genType const &Nref)
T length(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> normalize(vecType<T, P> const &x)
genType reflect(genType const &I, genType const &N)
vecType<T, P> refract(vecType<T, P> const &I, vecType<T, P> const &N, T eta)
Integer functions
int bitCount(genType v)
vecType<int, P> bitCount(vecType<T, P> const &v)
vecType<T, P> bitfieldExtract(vecType<T, P> const &Value, int Offset, int Bits)
vecType<T, P> bitfieldInsert(vecType<T, P> const &Base, vecType<T, P> const &Insert, int Offset, int Bits)
vecType<T, P> bitfieldReverse(vecType<T, P> const &v)
int findLSB(genIUType x)
vecType<int, P> findLSB(vecType<T, P> const &v)
int findMSB(genIUType x)
vecType<int, P> findMSB(vecType<T, P> const &v)
void imulExtended(vecType<int, P> const &x, vecType<int, P> const &y, vecType<int, P> &msb, vecType<int, P> &lsb)
vecType<uint, P> uaddCarry(vecType<uint, P> const &x, vecType<uint, P> const &y, vecType<uint, P> &carry)
void umulExtended(vecType<uint, P> const &x, vecType<uint, P> const &y, vecType<uint, P> &msb, vecType<uint, P> &lsb)
vecType<uint, P> usubBorrow(vecType<uint, P> const &x, vecType<uint, P> const &y, vecType<uint, P> &borrow)
Matrix functions
T determinant(matType<T, P> const &m)
matType<T, P> inverse(matType<T, P> const &m)
matType<T, P> matrixCompMult(matType<T, P> const &x, matType<T, P> const &y)
outerProduct_trait<T, P, vecTypeA, vecTypeB>::type outerProduct(vecTypeA<T, P> const &c, vecTypeB<T, P> const &r)
Noise functions
genType::value_type noise1(genType const &x)
tvec2<genType::value_type, defaultp> noise2(genType const &x)
tvec3<genType::value_type, defaultp> noise3(genType const &x)
tvec4<genType::value_type, defaultp> noise4(genType const &x)
Floating-Point Pack and Unpack Functions
double packDouble2x32(uvec2 const &v)
uint packHalf2x16(vec2 const &v)
uint packSnorm2x16(vec2 const &v)
uint packSnorm4x8(vec4 const &v)
uint packUnorm2x16(vec2 const &v)
uint packUnorm4x8(vec4 const &v)
uvec2 unpackDouble2x32(double const &v)
vec2 unpackHalf2x16(uint const &v)
vec2 unpackSnorm2x16(uint const &p)
vec4 unpackSnorm4x8(uint const &p)
vec2 unpackUnorm2x16(uint const &p)
vec4 unpackUnorm4x8(uint const &p)
Angle and Trigonometry Functions
vecType<T, P> acos(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> acosh(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> asin(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> asinh(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> atan(vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> atan(vecType<T, P> const &y_over_x)
vecType<T, P> atanh(vecType<T, P> const &x)
vecType<T, P> cos(vecType<T, P> const &angle)
vecType<T, P> cosh(vecType<T, P> const &angle)
vecType<T, P> degrees(vecType<T, P> const &radians)
vecType<T, P> radians(vecType<T, P> const &degrees)
vecType<T, P> sin(vecType<T, P> const &angle)
vecType<T, P> sinh(vecType<T, P> const &angle)
vecType<T, P> tan(vecType<T, P> const &angle)
vecType<T, P> tanh(vecType<T, P> const &angle)
Vector Relational Functions
bool all(vecType<bool, P> const &v)
bool any(vecType<bool, P> const &v)
vecType<bool, P> equal(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
vecType<bool, P> greaterThan(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
vecType<bool, P> greaterThanEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
vecType<bool, P> lessThan(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
vecType<bool, P> lessThanEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)
vecType<bool, P> not_(vecType<bool, P> const &v)
vecType<bool, P> notEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y)