GLM_GTC_bitfield <glm/gtc/bitfield.hpp> | |
genIUType | bitfieldFillOne(genIUType Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount) |
vecType<T, P> | bitfieldFillOne(vecType<T, P> const &Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount) |
genIUType | bitfieldFillZero(genIUType Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount) |
vecType<T, P> | bitfieldFillZero(vecType<T, P> const &Value, int FirstBit, int BitCount) |
int16 | bitfieldInterleave(int8 x, int8 y) |
uint16 | bitfieldInterleave(uint8 x, uint8 y) |
int32 | bitfieldInterleave(int16 x, int16 y) |
uint32 | bitfieldInterleave(uint16 x, uint16 y) |
int64 | bitfieldInterleave(int32 x, int32 y) |
uint64 | bitfieldInterleave(uint32 x, uint32 y) |
int32 | bitfieldInterleave(int8 x, int8 y, int8 z) |
uint32 | bitfieldInterleave(uint8 x, uint8 y, uint8 z) |
int64 | bitfieldInterleave(int16 x, int16 y, int16 z) |
uint64 | bitfieldInterleave(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 z) |
int64 | bitfieldInterleave(int32 x, int32 y, int32 z) |
uint64 | bitfieldInterleave(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z) |
int32 | bitfieldInterleave(int8 x, int8 y, int8 z, int8 w) |
uint32 | bitfieldInterleave(uint8 x, uint8 y, uint8 z, uint8 w) |
int64 | bitfieldInterleave(int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, int16 w) |
uint64 | bitfieldInterleave(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 z, uint16 w) |
genIUType | bitfieldRotateLeft(genIUType In, int Shift) |
vecType<T, P> | bitfieldRotateLeft(vecType<T, P> const &In, int Shift) |
genIUType | bitfieldRotateRight(genIUType In, int Shift) |
vecType<T, P> | bitfieldRotateRight(vecType<T, P> const &In, int Shift) |
genIUType | mask(genIUType Bits) |
vecIUType<T, P> | mask(vecIUType<T, P> const &v) |
GLM_GTC_constants <glm/gtc/constants.hpp> | |
genType | e() |
genType | epsilon() |
genType | euler() |
genType | four_over_pi() |
genType | golden_ratio() |
genType | half_pi() |
genType | ln_ln_two() |
genType | ln_ten() |
genType | ln_two() |
genType | one() |
genType | one_over_pi() |
genType | one_over_root_two() |
genType | one_over_two_pi() |
genType | pi() |
genType | quarter_pi() |
genType | root_five() |
genType | root_half_pi() |
genType | root_ln_four() |
genType | root_pi() |
genType | root_three() |
genType | root_two() |
genType | root_two_pi() |
genType | third() |
genType | three_over_two_pi() |
genType | two_over_pi() |
genType | two_over_root_pi() |
genType | two_pi() |
genType | two_thirds() |
genType | zero() |
GLM_GTC_epsilon <glm/gtc/epsilon.hpp> | |
vecType<bool, P> | epsilonEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y, T const &epsilon) |
bool | epsilonEqual(genType const &x, genType const &y, genType const &epsilon) |
genType::boolType | epsilonNotEqual(genType const &x, genType const &y, genType::value_type const &epsilon) |
bool | epsilonNotEqual(genType const &x, genType const &y, genType const &epsilon) |
GLM_GTC_integer <glm/gtc/integer.hpp> | |
genIUType | log2(genIUType x) |
genIUType | mod(genIUType x, genIUType y) |
vecType<T, P> | mod(vecType<T, P> const &x, T y) |
vecType<T, P> | mod(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
GLM_GTC_matrix_access <glm/gtc/matrix_access.hpp> | |
genType::col_type | column(genType const &m, length_t index) |
genType | column(genType const &m, length_t index, genType::col_type const &x) |
genType::row_type | row(genType const &m, length_t index) |
genType | row(genType const &m, length_t index, genType::row_type const &x) |
GLM_GTC_matrix_inverse <glm/gtc/matrix_inverse.hpp> | |
genType | affineInverse(genType const &m) |
genType | inverseTranspose(genType const &m) |
GLM_GTC_matrix_transform <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp> | |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | frustum(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | infinitePerspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | lookAt(tvec3<T, P> const &eye, tvec3<T, P> const ¢er, tvec3<T, P> const &up) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T zNear, T zFar) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | perspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near, T far) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | perspectiveFov(T fov, T width, T height, T near, T far) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | pickMatrix(tvec2<T, P> const ¢er, tvec2<T, P> const &delta, tvec4<U, P> const &viewport) |
tvec3<T, P> | project(tvec3<T, P> const &obj, tmat4x4<T, P> const &model, tmat4x4<T, P> const &proj, tvec4<U, P> const &viewport) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | rotate(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | scale(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | translate(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | tweakedInfinitePerspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | tweakedInfinitePerspective(T fovy, T aspect, T near, T ep) |
tvec3<T, P> | unProject(tvec3<T, P> const &win, tmat4x4<T, P> const &model, tmat4x4<T, P> const &proj, tvec4<U, P> const &viewport) |
GLM_GTC_noise <glm/gtc/noise.hpp> | |
T | perlin(vecType<T, P> const &p) |
T | perlin(vecType<T, P> const &p, vecType<T, P> const &rep) |
T | simplex(vecType<T, P> const &p) |
GLM_GTC_packing <glm/gtc/packing.hpp> | |
uint32 | packF2x11_1x10(vec3 const &v) |
uint16 | packHalf1x16(float v) |
uint64 | packHalf4x16(vec4 const &v) |
uint32 | packI3x10_1x2(ivec4 const &v) |
uint16 | packSnorm1x16(float v) |
uint8 | packSnorm1x8(float s) |
uint16 | packSnorm2x8(vec2 const &v) |
uint32 | packSnorm3x10_1x2(vec4 const &v) |
uint64 | packSnorm4x16(vec4 const &v) |
uint32 | packU3x10_1x2(uvec4 const &v) |
uint16 | packUnorm1x16(float v) |
uint8 | packUnorm1x8(float v) |
uint16 | packUnorm2x8(vec2 const &v) |
uint32 | packUnorm3x10_1x2(vec4 const &v) |
uint64 | packUnorm4x16(vec4 const &v) |
vec3 | unpackF2x11_1x10(uint32 p) |
float | unpackHalf1x16(uint16 v) |
vec4 | unpackHalf4x16(uint64 p) |
ivec4 | unpackI3x10_1x2(uint32 p) |
float | unpackSnorm1x16(uint16 p) |
float | unpackSnorm1x8(uint8 p) |
vec2 | unpackSnorm2x8(uint16 p) |
vec4 | unpackSnorm3x10_1x2(uint32 p) |
vec4 | unpackSnorm4x16(uint64 const &p) |
uvec4 | unpackU3x10_1x2(uint32 p) |
float | unpackUnorm1x16(uint16 p) |
float | unpackUnorm1x8(uint8 p) |
vec2 | unpackUnorm2x8(uint16 p) |
vec4 | unpackUnorm3x10_1x2(uint32 p) |
vec4 | unpackUnorm4x16(uint64 p) |
GLM_GTC_quaternion <glm/gtc/quaternion.hpp> | |
T | angle(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | angleAxis(T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis) |
tvec3<T, P> | axis(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | conjugate(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
T | dot(quatType<T, P> const &x, quatType<T, P> const &y) |
tvec4<bool, P> | equal(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y) |
tvec3<T, P> | eulerAngles(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tvec4<bool, P> | greaterThan(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y) |
tvec4<bool, P> | greaterThanEqual(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y) |
tquat<T, P> | inverse(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
T | length(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
tquat<T, P> | lerp(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T a) |
tvec4<bool, P> | lessThan(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y) |
tvec4<bool, P> | lessThanEqual(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | mat3_cast(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | mat4_cast(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | mix(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T a) |
tquat<T, P> | normalize(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
tvec4<bool, P> | notEqual(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y) |
T | pitch(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | quat_cast(tmat3x3<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | quat_cast(tmat4x4<T, P> const &x) |
T | roll(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | rotate(tquat<T, P> const &q, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis) |
tquat<T, P> | slerp(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T a) |
T | yaw(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
GLM_GTC_random <glm/gtc/random.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, defaultp> | ballRand(T Radius) |
tvec2<T, defaultp> | circularRand(T Radius) |
tvec2<T, defaultp> | diskRand(T Radius) |
genType | gaussRand(genType Mean, genType Deviation) |
genTYpe | linearRand(genTYpe Min, genTYpe Max) |
tvec3<T, defaultp> | sphericalRand(T Radius) |
GLM_GTC_reciprocal <glm/gtc/reciprocal.hpp> | |
genType | acot(genType const &x) |
genType | acoth(genType const &x) |
genType | acsc(genType const &x) |
genType | acsch(genType const &x) |
genType | asec(genType const &x) |
genType | asech(genType const &x) |
genType | cot(genType const &angle) |
genType | coth(genType const &angle) |
genType | csc(genType const &angle) |
genType | csch(genType const &angle) |
genType | sec(genType const &angle) |
genType | sech(genType const &angle) |
GLM_GTC_round <glm/gtc/round.hpp> | |
genType | ceilMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple) |
vecType<T, P> | ceilMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) |
genIUType | ceilPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value) |
vecType<T, P> | ceilPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value) |
genType | floorMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple) |
vecType<T, P> | floorMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) |
genIUType | floorPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value) |
vecType<T, P> | floorPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value) |
bool | isMultiple(genIUType Value, genIUType Multiple) |
vecType<bool, P> | isMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Value, T Multiple) |
vecType<bool, P> | isMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Value, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) |
bool | isPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value) |
vecType<bool, P> | isPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value) |
genType | roundMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple) |
vecType<T, P> | roundMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) |
genIUType | roundPowerOfTwo(genIUType Value) |
vecType<T, P> | roundPowerOfTwo(vecType<T, P> const &value) |
GLM_GTC_type_ptr <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp> | |
tmat2x2<T, defaultp> | make_mat2(T const *const ptr) |
tmat2x2<T, defaultp> | make_mat2x2(T const *const ptr) |
tmat2x3<T, defaultp> | make_mat2x3(T const *const ptr) |
tmat2x4<T, defaultp> | make_mat2x4(T const *const ptr) |
tmat3x3<T, defaultp> | make_mat3(T const *const ptr) |
tmat3x2<T, defaultp> | make_mat3x2(T const *const ptr) |
tmat3x3<T, defaultp> | make_mat3x3(T const *const ptr) |
tmat3x4<T, defaultp> | make_mat3x4(T const *const ptr) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | make_mat4(T const *const ptr) |
tmat4x2<T, defaultp> | make_mat4x2(T const *const ptr) |
tmat4x3<T, defaultp> | make_mat4x3(T const *const ptr) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | make_mat4x4(T const *const ptr) |
tquat<T, defaultp> | make_quat(T const *const ptr) |
tvec2<T, defaultp> | make_vec2(T const *const ptr) |
tvec3<T, defaultp> | make_vec3(T const *const ptr) |
tvec4<T, defaultp> | make_vec4(T const *const ptr) |
genType::value_type const* | value_ptr(genType const &vec) |
GLM_GTC_ulp <glm/gtc/ulp.hpp> | |
uint | float_distance(T const &x, T const &y) |
vecType<uint> | float_distance(vecType<T> const &x, vecType<T> const &y) |
genType | next_float(genType const &x) |
genType | next_float(genType const &x, uint const &Distance) |
genType | prev_float(genType const &x) |
genType | prev_float(genType const &x, uint const &Distance) |
GLM_GTX_associated_min_max <glm/gtx/associated_min_max.hpp> | |
U | associatedMax(T x, U a, T y, U b) |
tvec2<U, P> | associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b) |
vecType<T, P> | associatedMax(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b) |
U | associatedMax(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c) |
vecType<T, P> | associatedMax(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b, T z, vecType<U, P> const &c) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b, vecType<T, P> const &z, U c) |
U | associatedMax(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c, T w, U d) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c, vecType<T, P> const &w, vecType<U, P> const &d) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMax(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b, T z, vecType<U, P> const &c, T w, vecType<U, P> const &d) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMax(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b, vecType<T, P> const &z, U c, vecType<T, P> const &w, U d) |
U | associatedMin(T x, U a, T y, U b) |
tvec2<U, P> | associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMin(T x, const vecType<U, P> &a, T y, const vecType<U, P> &b) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b) |
U | associatedMin(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c) |
U | associatedMin(T x, U a, T y, U b, T z, U c, T w, U d) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<U, P> const &a, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &b, vecType<T, P> const &z, vecType<U, P> const &c, vecType<T, P> const &w, vecType<U, P> const &d) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMin(T x, vecType<U, P> const &a, T y, vecType<U, P> const &b, T z, vecType<U, P> const &c, T w, vecType<U, P> const &d) |
vecType<U, P> | associatedMin(vecType<T, P> const &x, U a, vecType<T, P> const &y, U b, vecType<T, P> const &z, U c, vecType<T, P> const &w, U d) |
GLM_GTX_bit <glm/gtx/bit.hpp> | |
genIUType | highestBitValue(genIUType Value) |
vecType<T, P> | highestBitValue(vecType<T, P> const &value) |
genIUType | powerOfTwoAbove(genIUType Value) [deprecated] |
vecType<T, P> | powerOfTwoAbove(vecType<T, P> const &value) [deprecated] |
genIUType | powerOfTwoBelow(genIUType Value) [deprecated] |
vecType<T, P> | powerOfTwoBelow(vecType<T, P> const &value) [deprecated] |
genIUType | powerOfTwoNearest(genIUType Value) [deprecated] |
vecType<T, P> | powerOfTwoNearest(vecType<T, P> const &value) [deprecated] |
GLM_GTX_closest_point <glm/gtx/closest_point.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, P> | closestPointOnLine(tvec3<T, P> const &point, tvec3<T, P> const &a, tvec3<T, P> const &b) |
tvec2<T, P> | closestPointOnLine(tvec2<T, P> const &point, tvec2<T, P> const &a, tvec2<T, P> const &b) |
GLM_GTX_color_space <glm/gtx/color_space.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, P> | hsvColor(tvec3<T, P> const &rgbValue) |
T | luminosity(tvec3<T, P> const &color) |
tvec3<T, P> | rgbColor(tvec3<T, P> const &hsvValue) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | saturation(T const s) |
tvec3<T, P> | saturation(T const s, tvec3<T, P> const &color) |
tvec4<T, P> | saturation(T const s, tvec4<T, P> const &color) |
GLM_GTX_color_space_YCoCg <glm/gtx/color_space_YCoCg.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, P> | rgb2YCoCg(tvec3<T, P> const &rgbColor) |
tvec3<T, P> | rgb2YCoCgR(tvec3<T, P> const &rgbColor) |
tvec3<T, P> | YCoCg2rgb(tvec3<T, P> const &YCoCgColor) |
tvec3<T, P> | YCoCgR2rgb(tvec3<T, P> const &YCoCgColor) |
GLM_GTX_common <glm/gtx/common.hpp> | |
genType::bool_type | isdenormal(genType const &x) |
GLM_GTX_compatibility <glm/gtx/compatibility.hpp> | |
T | atan2(T x, T y) |
tvec2<T, P> | atan2(const tvec2<T, P> &x, const tvec2<T, P> &y) |
tvec3<T, P> | atan2(const tvec3<T, P> &x, const tvec3<T, P> &y) |
tvec4<T, P> | atan2(const tvec4<T, P> &x, const tvec4<T, P> &y) |
bool | isfinite(genType const &x) |
tvec2<bool, P> | isfinite(const tvec2<T, P> &x) |
tvec3<bool, P> | isfinite(const tvec3<T, P> &x) |
tvec4<bool, P> | isfinite(const tvec4<T, P> &x) |
T | lerp(T x, T y, T a) |
tvec2<T, P> | lerp(const tvec2<T, P> &x, const tvec2<T, P> &y, T a) |
tvec3<T, P> | lerp(const tvec3<T, P> &x, const tvec3<T, P> &y, T a) |
tvec4<T, P> | lerp(const tvec4<T, P> &x, const tvec4<T, P> &y, T a) |
tvec2<T, P> | lerp(const tvec2<T, P> &x, const tvec2<T, P> &y, const tvec2<T, P> &a) |
tvec3<T, P> | lerp(const tvec3<T, P> &x, const tvec3<T, P> &y, const tvec3<T, P> &a) |
tvec4<T, P> | lerp(const tvec4<T, P> &x, const tvec4<T, P> &y, const tvec4<T, P> &a) |
T | saturate(T x) |
tvec2<T, P> | saturate(const tvec2<T, P> &x) |
tvec3<T, P> | saturate(const tvec3<T, P> &x) |
tvec4<T, P> | saturate(const tvec4<T, P> &x) |
GLM_GTX_component_wise <glm/gtx/component_wise.hpp> | |
genType::value_type | compAdd(genType const &v) |
genType::value_type | compMax(genType const &v) |
genType::value_type | compMin(genType const &v) |
genType::value_type | compMul(genType const &v) |
GLM_GTX_dual_quaternion <glm/gtx/dual_quaternion.hpp> | |
tdualquat<T, P> | dualquat_cast(tmat2x4<T, P> const &x) |
tdualquat<T, P> | dualquat_cast(tmat3x4<T, P> const &x) |
tdualquat<T, P> | inverse(tdualquat<T, P> const &q) |
tdualquat<T, P> | lerp(tdualquat<T, P> const &x, tdualquat<T, P> const &y, T const &a) |
tmat2x4<T, P> | mat2x4_cast(tdualquat<T, P> const &x) |
tmat3x4<T, P> | mat3x4_cast(tdualquat<T, P> const &x) |
tdualquat<T, P> | normalize(tdualquat<T, P> const &q) |
GLM_GTX_euler_angles <glm/gtx/euler_angles.hpp> | |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleX(T const &angleX) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleXY(T const &angleX, T const &angleY) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleXZ(T const &angleX, T const &angleZ) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleY(T const &angleY) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleYX(T const &angleY, T const &angleX) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleYXZ(T const &yaw, T const &pitch, T const &roll) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleYZ(T const &angleY, T const &angleZ) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleZ(T const &angleZ) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleZX(T const &angle, T const &angleX) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | eulerAngleZY(T const &angleZ, T const &angleY) |
tmat2x2<T, defaultp> | orientate2(T const &angle) |
tmat3x3<T, defaultp> | orientate3(T const &angle) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | orientate3(tvec3<T, P> const &angles) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | orientate4(tvec3<T, P> const &angles) |
tmat4x4<T, defaultp> | yawPitchRoll(T const &yaw, T const &pitch, T const &roll) |
GLM_GTX_extend <glm/gtx/extend.hpp> | |
genType | extend(genType const &Origin, genType const &Source, genType::value_type const Length) |
GLM_GTX_extented_min_max <glm/gtx/extented_min_max.hpp> | |
T | max(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z) |
C<T> | max(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z) |
C<T> | max(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z) |
T | max(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z, T const &w) |
C<T> | max(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z, C<T>::T const &w) |
C<T> | max(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z, C<T> const &w) |
T | min(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z) |
C<T> | min(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z) |
C<T> | min(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z) |
T | min(T const &x, T const &y, T const &z, T const &w) |
C<T> | min(C<T> const &x, C<T>::T const &y, C<T>::T const &z, C<T>::T const &w) |
C<T> | min(C<T> const &x, C<T> const &y, C<T> const &z, C<T> const &w) |
GLM_GTX_fast_exponential <glm/gtx/fast_exponential.hpp> | |
T | fastExp(T x) |
vecType<T, P> | fastExp(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
T | fastExp2(T x) |
vecType<T, P> | fastExp2(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
T | fastLog(T x) |
vecType<T, P> | fastLog(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
T | fastLog2(T x) |
vecType<T, P> | fastLog2(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | fastPow(genType x, genType y) |
vecType<T, P> | fastPow(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
genTypeT | fastPow(genTypeT x, genTypeU y) |
vecType<T, P> | fastPow(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
GLM_GTX_fast_square_root <glm/gtx/fast_square_root.hpp> | |
genType | fastDistance(genType x, genType y) |
T | fastDistance(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
genType | fastInverseSqrt(genType x) |
vecType<T, P> | fastInverseSqrt(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | fastLength(genType x) |
T | fastLength(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | fastNormalize(genType const &x) |
genType | fastSqrt(genType x) |
vecType<T, P> | fastSqrt(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
GLM_GTX_fast_trigonometry <glm/gtx/fast_trigonometry.hpp> | |
T | fastAcos(T angle) |
T | fastAsin(T angle) |
T | fastAtan(T y, T x) |
T | fastAtan(T angle) |
T | fastCos(T angle) |
T | fastSin(T angle) |
T | fastTan(T angle) |
T | wrapAngle(T angle) |
GLM_GTX_gradient_paint <glm/gtx/gradient_paint.hpp> | |
T | linearGradient(tvec2<T, P> const &Point0, tvec2<T, P> const &Point1, tvec2<T, P> const &Position) |
T | radialGradient(tvec2<T, P> const &Center, T const &Radius, tvec2<T, P> const &Focal, tvec2<T, P> const &Position) |
GLM_GTX_handed_coordinate_space <glm/gtx/handed_coordinate_system.hpp> | |
bool | leftHanded(tvec3<T, P> const &tangent, tvec3<T, P> const &binormal, tvec3<T, P> const &normal) |
bool | rightHanded(tvec3<T, P> const &tangent, tvec3<T, P> const &binormal, tvec3<T, P> const &normal) |
GLM_GTX_integer <glm/gtx/integer.hpp> | |
genType | factorial(genType const &x) |
unsigned int | floor_log2(unsigned int x) |
int | mod(int x, int y) |
uint | mod(uint x, uint y) |
uint | nlz(uint x) |
int | pow(int x, int y) |
uint | pow(uint x, uint y) |
int | sqrt(int x) |
uint | sqrt(uint x) |
GLM_GTX_intersect <glm/gtx/intersect.hpp> | |
bool | intersectLineSphere(genType const &point0, genType const &point1, genType const &sphereCenter, genType::value_type sphereRadius, genType &intersectionPosition1, genType &intersectionNormal1, genType &intersectionPosition2=genType(), genType &intersectionNormal2=genType()) |
bool | intersectLineTriangle(genType const &orig, genType const &dir, genType const &vert0, genType const &vert1, genType const &vert2, genType &position) |
bool | intersectRayPlane(genType const &orig, genType const &dir, genType const &planeOrig, genType const &planeNormal, genType::value_type &intersectionDistance) |
bool | intersectRaySphere(genType const &rayStarting, genType const &rayNormalizedDirection, genType const &sphereCenter, genType::value_type const sphereRadiusSquered, genType::value_type &intersectionDistance) |
bool | intersectRaySphere(genType const &rayStarting, genType const &rayNormalizedDirection, genType const &sphereCenter, const genType::value_type sphereRadius, genType &intersectionPosition, genType &intersectionNormal) |
bool | intersectRayTriangle(genType const &orig, genType const &dir, genType const &vert0, genType const &vert1, genType const &vert2, genType &baryPosition) |
GLM_GTX_log_base <glm/gtx/log_base.hpp> | |
genType | log(genType x, genType base) |
vecType<T, P> | sign(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &base) |
GLM_GTX_matrix_cross_product <glm/gtx/matrix_cross_product.hpp> | |
tmat3x3<T, P> | matrixCross3(tvec3<T, P> const &x) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | matrixCross4(tvec3<T, P> const &x) |
GLM_GTX_matrix_decompose <glm/gtx/decomposition.hpp> | |
bool | decompose(tmat4x4<T, P> const &modelMatrix, tvec3<T, P> &scale, tquat<T, P> &orientation, tvec3<T, P> &translation, tvec3<T, P> &skew, tvec4<T, P> &perspective) |
GLM_GTX_matrix_interpolation <glm/gtx/matrix_interpolation.hpp> | |
void | axisAngle(tmat4x4<T, P> const &mat, tvec3<T, P> &axis, T &angle) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | axisAngleMatrix(tvec3<T, P> const &axis, T const angle) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | extractMatrixRotation(tmat4x4<T, P> const &mat) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | interpolate(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m1, tmat4x4<T, P> const &m2, T const delta) |
GLM_GTX_matrix_major_storage <glm/gtx/matrix_major_storage.hpp> | |
tmat2x2<T, P> | colMajor2(tvec2<T, P> const &v1, tvec2<T, P> const &v2) |
tmat2x2<T, P> | colMajor2(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | colMajor3(tvec3<T, P> const &v1, tvec3<T, P> const &v2, tvec3<T, P> const &v3) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | colMajor3(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | colMajor4(tvec4<T, P> const &v1, tvec4<T, P> const &v2, tvec4<T, P> const &v3, tvec4<T, P> const &v4) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | colMajor4(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m) |
tmat2x2<T, P> | rowMajor2(tvec2<T, P> const &v1, tvec2<T, P> const &v2) |
tmat2x2<T, P> | rowMajor2(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | rowMajor3(tvec3<T, P> const &v1, tvec3<T, P> const &v2, tvec3<T, P> const &v3) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | rowMajor3(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | rowMajor4(tvec4<T, P> const &v1, tvec4<T, P> const &v2, tvec4<T, P> const &v3, tvec4<T, P> const &v4) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | rowMajor4(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m) |
GLM_GTX_matrix_operation <glm/gtx/matrix_operation.hpp> | |
tmat2x2<T, P> | diagonal2x2(tvec2<T, P> const &v) |
tmat2x3<T, P> | diagonal2x3(tvec2<T, P> const &v) |
tmat2x4<T, P> | diagonal2x4(tvec2<T, P> const &v) |
tmat3x2<T, P> | diagonal3x2(tvec2<T, P> const &v) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | diagonal3x3(tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tmat3x4<T, P> | diagonal3x4(tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tmat4x2<T, P> | diagonal4x2(tvec2<T, P> const &v) |
tmat4x3<T, P> | diagonal4x3(tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | diagonal4x4(tvec4<T, P> const &v) |
GLM_GTX_matrix_query <glm/gtx/matrix_query.hpp> | |
bool | isIdentity(matType<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNormalized(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNormalized(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNormalized(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNull(tmat2x2<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNull(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNull(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isOrthogonal(matType<T, P> const &m, T const &epsilon) |
GLM_GTX_matrix_transform_2d <glm/gtx/matrix_transform_2d.hpp> | |
tmat3x3<T, P> | rotate(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T angle) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | scale(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, tvec2<T, P> const &v) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | shearX(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T y) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | shearY(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T x) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | translate(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, tvec2<T, P> const &v) |
GLM_GTX_mixed_producte <glm/gtx/mixed_product.hpp> | |
T | mixedProduct(tvec3<T, P> const &v1, tvec3<T, P> const &v2, tvec3<T, P> const &v3) |
GLM_GTX_multiple <glm/gtx/multiple.hpp> | |
genType | higherMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple) [deprecated] |
vecType<T, P> | higherMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) [deprecated] |
genType | lowerMultiple(genType Source, genType Multiple) [deprecated] |
vecType<T, P> | lowerMultiple(vecType<T, P> const &Source, vecType<T, P> const &Multiple) [deprecated] |
GLM_GTX_norm <glm/gtx/norm.hpp> | |
T | distance2(T const &p0, T const &p1) |
genType::value_type | distance2(genType const &p0, genType const &p1) |
T | l1Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y) |
T | l1Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
T | l2Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y) |
T | l2Norm(tvec3<T, P> const &x) |
T | length2(T const &x) |
genType::value_type | length2(genType const &x) |
T | lxNorm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y, unsigned int Depth) |
T | lxNorm(tvec3<T, P> const &x, unsigned int Depth) |
GLM_GTX_normal <glm/gtx/normal.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, P> | triangleNormal(tvec3<T, P> const &p1, tvec3<T, P> const &p2, tvec3<T, P> const &p3) |
GLM_GTX_normalize_dot <glm/gtx/normalized_dot.hpp> | |
T | fastNormalizeDot(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
T | normalizeDot(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
GLM_GTX_optimum_pow <glm/gtx/optimum_pow.hpp> | |
genType | pow2(genType const &x) |
genType | pow3(genType const &x) |
genType | pow4(genType const &x) |
GLM_GTX_orthonormalize <glm/gtx/orthonormalize.hpp> | |
tmat3x3<T, P> | orthonormalize(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m) |
tvec3<T, P> | orthonormalize(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y) |
GLM_GTX_perpendicular <glm/gtx/perpendicular.hpp> | |
vecType | perp(vecType const &x, vecType const &Normal) |
GLM_GTX_polar_coordinates <glm/gtx/polar_coordinates.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, P> | euclidean(tvec2<T, P> const &polar) |
tvec3<T, P> | polar(tvec3<T, P> const &euclidean) |
GLM_GTX_projection <glm/gtx/projection.hpp> | |
vecType | proj(vecType const &x, vecType const &Normal) |
GLM_GTX_quaternion <glm/gtx/quaternion.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, P> | cross(tquat<T, P> const &q, tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tvec3<T, P> | cross(tvec3<T, P> const &v, tquat<T, P> const &q) |
tquat<T, P> | exp(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
T | extractRealComponent(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
tquat<T, P> | fastMix(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T const &a) |
tquat<T, P> | intermediate(tquat<T, P> const &prev, tquat<T, P> const &curr, tquat<T, P> const &next) |
T | length2(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
tquat<T, P> | log(tquat<T, P> const &q) |
tquat<T, P> | pow(tquat<T, P> const &x, T const &y) |
tvec3<T, P> | rotate(tquat<T, P> const &q, tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tvec4<T, P> | rotate(tquat<T, P> const &q, tvec4<T, P> const &v) |
tquat<T, P> | rotation(tvec3<T, P> const &orig, tvec3<T, P> const &dest) |
tquat<T, P> | shortMix(tquat<T, P> const &x, tquat<T, P> const &y, T const &a) |
tquat<T, P> | squad(tquat<T, P> const &q1, tquat<T, P> const &q2, tquat<T, P> const &s1, tquat<T, P> const &s2, T const &h) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | toMat3(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | toMat4(tquat<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | toQuat(tmat3x3<T, P> const &x) |
tquat<T, P> | toQuat(tmat4x4<T, P> const &x) |
GLM_GTX_rotate_normalized_axis <glm/gtx/rotate_normalized_axis.hpp> | |
tmat4x4<T, P> | rotateNormalizedAxis(tmat4x4<T, P> const &m, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis) |
tquat<T, P> | rotateNormalizedAxis(tquat<T, P> const &q, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &axis) |
GLM_GTX_rotate_vector <glm/gtx/rotate_vector.hpp> | |
tmat4x4<T, P> | orientation(tvec3<T, P> const &Normal, tvec3<T, P> const &Up) |
tvec2<T, P> | rotate(tvec2<T, P> const &v, T const &angle) |
tvec3<T, P> | rotate(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &normal) |
tvec4<T, P> | rotate(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle, tvec3<T, P> const &normal) |
tvec3<T, P> | rotateX(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle) |
tvec4<T, P> | rotateX(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle) |
tvec3<T, P> | rotateY(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle) |
tvec4<T, P> | rotateY(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle) |
tvec3<T, P> | rotateZ(tvec3<T, P> const &v, T const &angle) |
tvec4<T, P> | rotateZ(tvec4<T, P> const &v, T const &angle) |
tvec3<T, P> | slerp(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y, T const &a) |
GLM_GTX_spline <glm/gtx/spline.hpp> | |
genType | catmullRom(genType const &v1, genType const &v2, genType const &v3, genType const &v4, genType::value_type const &s) |
genType | cubic(genType const &v1, genType const &v2, genType const &v3, genType const &v4, genType::value_type const &s) |
genType | hermite(genType const &v1, genType const &t1, genType const &v2, genType const &t2, genType::value_type const &s) |
GLM_GTX_string_cast <glm/gtx/string_cast.hpp> | |
std::string | to_string(matType<T, P> const &x) |
GLM_GTX_transform <glm/gtx/transform.hpp> | |
tmat4x4<T, P> | rotate(T angle, tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | scale(tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | translate(tvec3<T, P> const &v) |
GLM_GTX_transform2 <glm/gtx/transform2.hpp> | |
tmat3x3<T, P> | proj2D(const tmat3x3<T, P> &m, const tvec3<T, P> &normal) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | proj3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, const tvec3<T, P> &normal) |
tmat4x4<valType, P> | scaleBias(valType scale, valType bias) |
tmat4x4<valType, P> | scaleBias(tmat4x4<valType, P> const &m, valType scale, valType bias) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | shearX2D(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T y) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | shearX3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, T y, T z) |
tmat3x3<T, P> | shearY2D(tmat3x3<T, P> const &m, T x) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | shearY3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, T x, T z) |
tmat4x4<T, P> | shearZ3D(const tmat4x4<T, P> &m, T x, T y) |
GLM_GTX_type_aligned <glm/gtx/type_aligned.hpp> | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int8, aligned_lowp_int8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int16, aligned_lowp_int16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int32, aligned_lowp_int32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int64, aligned_lowp_int64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int8_t, aligned_lowp_int8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int16_t, aligned_lowp_int16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int32_t, aligned_lowp_int32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_int64_t, aligned_lowp_int64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i8, aligned_lowp_i8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i16, aligned_lowp_i16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i32, aligned_lowp_i32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_i64, aligned_lowp_i64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int8, aligned_mediump_int8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int16, aligned_mediump_int16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int32, aligned_mediump_int32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int64, aligned_mediump_int64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int8_t, aligned_mediump_int8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int16_t, aligned_mediump_int16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int32_t, aligned_mediump_int32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_int64_t, aligned_mediump_int64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i8, aligned_mediump_i8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i16, aligned_mediump_i16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i32, aligned_mediump_i32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_i64, aligned_mediump_i64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int8, aligned_highp_int8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int16, aligned_highp_int16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int32, aligned_highp_int32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int64, aligned_highp_int64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int8_t, aligned_highp_int8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int16_t, aligned_highp_int16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int32_t, aligned_highp_int32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_int64_t, aligned_highp_int64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i8, aligned_highp_i8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i16, aligned_highp_i16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i32, aligned_highp_i32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_i64, aligned_highp_i64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int8, aligned_int8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int16, aligned_int16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int32, aligned_int32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int64, aligned_int64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int8_t, aligned_int8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int16_t, aligned_int16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int32_t, aligned_int32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(int64_t, aligned_int64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8, aligned_i8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16, aligned_i16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32, aligned_i32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64, aligned_i64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec1, aligned_ivec1, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec2, aligned_ivec2, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec3, aligned_ivec3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(ivec4, aligned_ivec4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec1, aligned_i8vec1, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec2, aligned_i8vec2, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec3, aligned_i8vec3, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i8vec4, aligned_i8vec4, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec1, aligned_i16vec1, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec2, aligned_i16vec2, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec3, aligned_i16vec3, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i16vec4, aligned_i16vec4, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec1, aligned_i32vec1, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec2, aligned_i32vec2, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec3, aligned_i32vec3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i32vec4, aligned_i32vec4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec1, aligned_i64vec1, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec2, aligned_i64vec2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec3, aligned_i64vec3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(i64vec4, aligned_i64vec4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint8, aligned_lowp_uint8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint16, aligned_lowp_uint16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint32, aligned_lowp_uint32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint64, aligned_lowp_uint64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint8_t, aligned_lowp_uint8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint16_t, aligned_lowp_uint16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint32_t, aligned_lowp_uint32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_uint64_t, aligned_lowp_uint64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u8, aligned_lowp_u8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u16, aligned_lowp_u16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u32, aligned_lowp_u32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(lowp_u64, aligned_lowp_u64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint8, aligned_mediump_uint8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint16, aligned_mediump_uint16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint32, aligned_mediump_uint32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint64, aligned_mediump_uint64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint8_t, aligned_mediump_uint8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint16_t, aligned_mediump_uint16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint32_t, aligned_mediump_uint32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_uint64_t, aligned_mediump_uint64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u8, aligned_mediump_u8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u16, aligned_mediump_u16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u32, aligned_mediump_u32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mediump_u64, aligned_mediump_u64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint8, aligned_highp_uint8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint16, aligned_highp_uint16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint32, aligned_highp_uint32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint64, aligned_highp_uint64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint8_t, aligned_highp_uint8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint16_t, aligned_highp_uint16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint32_t, aligned_highp_uint32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_uint64_t, aligned_highp_uint64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u8, aligned_highp_u8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u16, aligned_highp_u16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u32, aligned_highp_u32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(highp_u64, aligned_highp_u64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint8, aligned_uint8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint16, aligned_uint16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint32, aligned_uint32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint64, aligned_uint64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint8_t, aligned_uint8_t, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint16_t, aligned_uint16_t, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, aligned_uint32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uint64_t, aligned_uint64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8, aligned_u8, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16, aligned_u16, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32, aligned_u32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64, aligned_u64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec1, aligned_uvec1, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec2, aligned_uvec2, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec3, aligned_uvec3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(uvec4, aligned_uvec4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec1, aligned_u8vec1, 1) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec2, aligned_u8vec2, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec3, aligned_u8vec3, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u8vec4, aligned_u8vec4, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec1, aligned_u16vec1, 2) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec2, aligned_u16vec2, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec3, aligned_u16vec3, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u16vec4, aligned_u16vec4, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec1, aligned_u32vec1, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec2, aligned_u32vec2, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec3, aligned_u32vec3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u32vec4, aligned_u32vec4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec1, aligned_u64vec1, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec2, aligned_u64vec2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec3, aligned_u64vec3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(u64vec4, aligned_u64vec4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float32, aligned_float32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float64, aligned_float64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float32_t, aligned_float32_t, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float64_t, aligned_float64_t, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float32, aligned_f32, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(float64, aligned_f64, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec1, aligned_vec1, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec2, aligned_vec2, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec3, aligned_vec3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(vec4, aligned_vec4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec1, aligned_fvec1, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec2, aligned_fvec2, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec3, aligned_fvec3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fvec4, aligned_fvec4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec1, aligned_f32vec1, 4) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec2, aligned_f32vec2, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec3, aligned_f32vec3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32vec4, aligned_f32vec4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec1, aligned_dvec1, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec2, aligned_dvec2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec3, aligned_dvec3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dvec4, aligned_dvec4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec1, aligned_f64vec1, 8) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec2, aligned_f64vec2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec3, aligned_f64vec3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64vec4, aligned_f64vec4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat2, aligned_mat2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat3, aligned_mat3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat4, aligned_mat4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat2x2, aligned_mat2x2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat3x3, aligned_mat3x3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(mat4x4, aligned_mat4x4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x2, aligned_fmat2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x3, aligned_fmat3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x4, aligned_fmat4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x2, aligned_fmat2x2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x3, aligned_fmat2x3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat2x4, aligned_fmat2x4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x2, aligned_fmat3x2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x3, aligned_fmat3x3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat3x4, aligned_fmat3x4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x2, aligned_fmat4x2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x3, aligned_fmat4x3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fmat4x4, aligned_fmat4x4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x2, aligned_f32mat2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x3, aligned_f32mat3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x4, aligned_f32mat4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x2, aligned_f32mat2x2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x3, aligned_f32mat2x3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat2x4, aligned_f32mat2x4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x2, aligned_f32mat3x2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x3, aligned_f32mat3x3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat3x4, aligned_f32mat3x4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x2, aligned_f32mat4x2, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x3, aligned_f32mat4x3, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32mat4x4, aligned_f32mat4x4, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x2, aligned_f64mat2, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x3, aligned_f64mat3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x4, aligned_f64mat4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x2, aligned_f64mat2x2, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x3, aligned_f64mat2x3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat2x4, aligned_f64mat2x4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x2, aligned_f64mat3x2, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x3, aligned_f64mat3x3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat3x4, aligned_f64mat3x4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x2, aligned_f64mat4x2, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x3, aligned_f64mat4x3, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64mat4x4, aligned_f64mat4x4, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(quat, aligned_quat, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(fquat, aligned_fquat, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(dquat, aligned_dquat, 32) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f32quat, aligned_f32quat, 16) | |
GLM_ALIGNED_TYPEDEF(f64quat, aligned_f64quat, 32) |
GLM_GTX_vector_angle <glm/gtx/vector_angle.hpp> | |
vecType::value_type | angle(vecType const &x, vecType const &y) |
T | orientedAngle(tvec2<T, P> const &x, tvec2<T, P> const &y) |
T | orientedAngle(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y, tvec3<T, P> const &ref) |
GLM_GTX_vector_query <glm/gtx/vector_query.hpp> | |
bool | areCollinear(vecType<T, P> const &v0, vecType<T, P> const &v1, T const &epsilon) |
bool | areOrthogonal(vecType<T, P> const &v0, vecType<T, P> const &v1, T const &epsilon) |
bool | areOrthonormal(vecType<T, P> const &v0, vecType<T, P> const &v1, T const &epsilon) |
vecType<bool, P> | isCompNull(vecType<T, P> const &v, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNormalized(vecType<T, P> const &v, T const &epsilon) |
bool | isNull(vecType<T, P> const &v, T const &epsilon) |
GLM_GTX_wrap <glm/gtx/wrap.hpp> | |
genType | clamp(genType const &Texcoord) |
genType | mirrorRepeat(genType const &Texcoord) |
genType | repeat(genType const &Texcoord) |
Common functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
genType | abs(genType x) |
vecType<T, P> | ceil(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | clamp(genType x, genType minVal, genType maxVal) |
int | floatBitsToInt(float const &v) |
vecType<int, P> | floatBitsToInt(vecType<float, P> const &v) |
uint | floatBitsToUint(float const &v) |
vecType<uint, P> | floatBitsToUint(vecType<float, P> const &v) |
vecType<T, P> | floor(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | fma(genType const &a, genType const &b, genType const &c) |
genType | fract(genType x) |
genType | frexp(genType const &x, genIType &exp) |
float | intBitsToFloat(int const &v) |
vecType<float, P> | intBitsToFloat(vecType<int, P> const &v) |
vecType<bool, P> | isinf(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<bool, P> | isnan(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | ldexp(genType const &x, genIType const &exp) |
genType | max(genType x, genType y) |
genType | min(genType x, genType y) |
vecType<T, P> | mix(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<U, P> const &a) |
genType | mod(genType x, genType y) |
genType | modf(genType x, genType &i) |
vecType<T, P> | round(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | roundEven(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | sign(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | smoothstep(genType edge0, genType edge1, genType x) |
genType | step(genType edge, genType x) |
vecType<T, P> | step(T edge, vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | step(vecType<T, P> const &edge, vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | trunc(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
float | uintBitsToFloat(uint const &v) |
vecType<float, P> | uintBitsToFloat(vecType<uint, P> const &v) |
Exponential functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
vecType<T, P> | exp(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
vecType<T, P> | exp2(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
vecType<T, P> | inversesqrt(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
vecType<T, P> | log(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
vecType<T, P> | log2(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
vecType<T, P> | pow(vecType<T, P> const &base, vecType<T, P> const &exponent) |
vecType<T, P> | sqrt(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
Geometric functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
tvec3<T, P> | cross(tvec3<T, P> const &x, tvec3<T, P> const &y) |
T | distance(vecType<T, P> const &p0, vecType<T, P> const &p1) |
T | dot(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
genType | faceforward(genType const &N, genType const &I, genType const &Nref) |
T | length(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | normalize(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
genType | reflect(genType const &I, genType const &N) |
vecType<T, P> | refract(vecType<T, P> const &I, vecType<T, P> const &N, T eta) |
Integer functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
int | bitCount(genType v) |
vecType<int, P> | bitCount(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
vecType<T, P> | bitfieldExtract(vecType<T, P> const &Value, int Offset, int Bits) |
vecType<T, P> | bitfieldInsert(vecType<T, P> const &Base, vecType<T, P> const &Insert, int Offset, int Bits) |
vecType<T, P> | bitfieldReverse(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
int | findLSB(genIUType x) |
vecType<int, P> | findLSB(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
int | findMSB(genIUType x) |
vecType<int, P> | findMSB(vecType<T, P> const &v) |
void | imulExtended(vecType<int, P> const &x, vecType<int, P> const &y, vecType<int, P> &msb, vecType<int, P> &lsb) |
vecType<uint, P> | uaddCarry(vecType<uint, P> const &x, vecType<uint, P> const &y, vecType<uint, P> &carry) |
void | umulExtended(vecType<uint, P> const &x, vecType<uint, P> const &y, vecType<uint, P> &msb, vecType<uint, P> &lsb) |
vecType<uint, P> | usubBorrow(vecType<uint, P> const &x, vecType<uint, P> const &y, vecType<uint, P> &borrow) |
Matrix functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
T | determinant(matType<T, P> const &m) |
matType<T, P> | inverse(matType<T, P> const &m) |
matType<T, P> | matrixCompMult(matType<T, P> const &x, matType<T, P> const &y) |
outerProduct_trait<T, P, vecTypeA, vecTypeB>::type | outerProduct(vecTypeA<T, P> const &c, vecTypeB<T, P> const &r) |
Noise functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
genType::value_type | noise1(genType const &x) |
tvec2<genType::value_type, defaultp> | noise2(genType const &x) |
tvec3<genType::value_type, defaultp> | noise3(genType const &x) |
tvec4<genType::value_type, defaultp> | noise4(genType const &x) |
Floating-Point Pack and Unpack Functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
double | packDouble2x32(uvec2 const &v) |
uint | packHalf2x16(vec2 const &v) |
uint | packSnorm2x16(vec2 const &v) |
uint | packSnorm4x8(vec4 const &v) |
uint | packUnorm2x16(vec2 const &v) |
uint | packUnorm4x8(vec4 const &v) |
uvec2 | unpackDouble2x32(double const &v) |
vec2 | unpackHalf2x16(uint const &v) |
vec2 | unpackSnorm2x16(uint const &p) |
vec4 | unpackSnorm4x8(uint const &p) |
vec2 | unpackUnorm2x16(uint const &p) |
vec4 | unpackUnorm4x8(uint const &p) |
Angle and Trigonometry Functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
vecType<T, P> | acos(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | acosh(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | asin(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | asinh(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | atan(vecType<T, P> const &y, vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | atan(vecType<T, P> const &y_over_x) |
vecType<T, P> | atanh(vecType<T, P> const &x) |
vecType<T, P> | cos(vecType<T, P> const &angle) |
vecType<T, P> | cosh(vecType<T, P> const &angle) |
vecType<T, P> | degrees(vecType<T, P> const &radians) |
vecType<T, P> | radians(vecType<T, P> const °rees) |
vecType<T, P> | sin(vecType<T, P> const &angle) |
vecType<T, P> | sinh(vecType<T, P> const &angle) |
vecType<T, P> | tan(vecType<T, P> const &angle) |
vecType<T, P> | tanh(vecType<T, P> const &angle) |
Vector Relational Functions <glm/glm.hpp> | |
bool | all(vecType<bool, P> const &v) |
bool | any(vecType<bool, P> const &v) |
vecType<bool, P> | equal(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
vecType<bool, P> | greaterThan(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
vecType<bool, P> | greaterThanEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
vecType<bool, P> | lessThan(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
vecType<bool, P> | lessThanEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |
vecType<bool, P> | not_(vecType<bool, P> const &v) |
vecType<bool, P> | notEqual(vecType<T, P> const &x, vecType<T, P> const &y) |